
weekend was good. sam's friend Tyler who wants to date her and her little brother Jon came to visit her so I didn't have a roommate all weekend. she stayed at the inn with them and it was lonely but i got a lot of studying done. and last night, full of randomness, i slept outside.

it was freeeeezing.

but so much fun. i slept in the back of shen with people from the frisbee team and it was completely spontaneous cause i had already been in bed but couldn't sleep so i got on the computer and it all came from there. it was so cold and i had no sleeping bag but i stole samantha's so it was ok. we threw shoes at people's windows and i looked at the stars for a long time. thank you Lord for new friends.

oh yeah my service project was yesterday and we were definitely gone all day moving two semis full of stuff. weird stuff, too, completely random. there were i think 67472883923 things in total. but we got it all done.

mmm lunchtime. i get to eat french fries again today!
i love how i was on a diet from them all week and the day i can eat them again i do. ha.

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