
i'm beginning to wonder if people from home have forgotten me already. i know it's easy to let it slip when your own life is busy, but i mean it's only been a week. the first night i must have gotten at least 10 calls, then the next night it was 5, then a couple each night.



i feel oh so very lonely at this moment.

i know i shouldn't complain. i haven't always been that good at keeping in touch with people. i'm sure as heck going to try though. a couple of people from my church already sent me mail, which is totally amazing and wonderful because i didn't send out my addy till today and that means they had to ask my parents. i love my church.

i'm trying to figure out what to do for october break. if anyone wants to help let me know. it's the 14-17.

tomorrow is an 8 am class, and it's almost 11 now. that means i should be in bed.



Anonymous said...

i havent forgoten u rachel. i still luv u and i still miss u! i'll call u and u can call me 2 if ur board or lonely! i could ever forget u ur unforgetable! -mandi

Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten...wait, who's blog is this? There are so many to keep up with I get confused!

Rachel said...

I love you Mandi


who's blog do you think this is? read it and find out! my name is right there. and just because you haven't forgotten me doesn't mean i know who you are.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to answer your question with another one... who the chuff do you think this is? Here's a hint... it's someone really, really rediculously good looking

Rachel said...

flippin heck you could have just said so. call me sometime. i miss you. :)