
ok. this post is dedicated to jackie romine, because she is the sweetest most caring person i know. guess what she did for me?

i went to the post office to check my mail like i often do, and i found i had two packages AND a letter from my dear sister sarah written during her culteral anthopology class. amazing.

all of that is great, and i'm really happy and it made my day cause my mommiloo sent me cool stuff and sarah's letter was complete randomness, but jackie's was awesome. she had heard that i was homesick from an unknown source, and she sent me a card and these four items:

a blanket (!) for when i need someone to snuggle with
tissues for when i need someone's shoulder to cry on
a journal for when i have frustrations or secrets i need to tell
and hugs because she isn't here to give me one herself.

HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! i love her so much and miss her even more. she's on her way to thailand and japan for two weeks at this very moment. the blanket matches all my other stuff perfectly (even though i didn't plan on matching, but it's cool cause most of my stuff does) and hugs are my favorite thing ever. real ones, and the candy.

jackie dear, you are awesome and wonderful and i love you. you rock my socks off.

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