*this post is dedicated to david ridley because he inspired me to update*
ok so. this one has a possibility to be short because i have a bio quiz tomorrow that i am studying for.
the past few days have flown by, complete with class and food and boys.
yes boys. hahahaha.
side note: erik is coming to visit in a couple weeks. :) keep that in mind.
classes have been going really well this week. i had my first horsemanship class tuesday and it looks like it'll be relatively easy and a break from my other classes. i mean, i get to ride during class and the final exam includes naming the parts of the horse. how cool is that.
yesterday was totally cool. i got back my first sociology quiz and i got 8 out of 9 possible points. so that was exciting. after that i met with a really cute ROTC guy (found out later that he has a girlfriend..no worries kids) and we talked about me getting up and doing PT at 6. in the morning. every day. i'm thinking no. it would be fun every once in a while. when i get the urge. ha. after that was...dum dum dum...
my first ultimate frisbee practice!!!!!!!
it was so hardcore. i am not kidding. it was definitely a blast but a lot of work! we ran and stretched and did lots of drills and worked on stacking and defense and offense and i was quite overwhelmed to say the least. everyone was really helpful and encouraged me though. i was one of 3 girls, and 18 guys.
that's where the boys come in. :)
but now i need to find myself cheap soccer cleats (size 8 woman, 6 men if anyone wants to help!) cause i can't wear my softball ones cause they aren't made for cutting. *shrug*
oh. i forgot to mention it was raining yesterday. so we had a 2 hour practice in the pouring rain. yes pouring, not drizzling or any such thing. it was fun but oh so cold. i definitely took a hot shower and ate lots after. and if anyone wants to come we have a tournament on the 25th, and lots of weekends in oct and nov. i'll let you know if you really want to come..you know you do.
today was uneventful, except that it rained all day, i got all the questions right on my first western civ quiz, and i watched the princess bride for the first time. oh and i definitely got a package from my mom with cowboy cookies and my new glasses in it. i love my mommy. i really miss cowboy cookies. and chad meyer and david ridley because everytime i made cowboy cookies they ate them all. :) especially chad for lunch.
like i said, bio quiz tomorrow=time to study.
10/4 good buddy.
I'm an inspiration.
As your inspiration I now say it's time to update again.
ok. when i read your comment, i definitely started singing the chicago song, you're the inspiration. it just made me think of it. that's what i think when i see the word inspiration.
You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
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