
So yesterday was the worst day of my life.

Today was better.

Classes started yesteday. I had Biblical Literature at 8, General Biology at 10, chapel at 11, Lifetime Wellness at 2:15, and Principles of Sociology at 3:15. Not so bad, right? So I thought.

Bib lit was fine..the prof is a really nice 70-something man who kinda reminds me of Mr. Rogers. He gave us the syllabus and everything and explained the format of class, then gave us a brief lecture. I don't have any papers to write for his class, which is an automatic 10 points for him.

Next came bio. Oh dear. oh dear. my prof is a young woman who for some reason talks reallyreallyreally fast and likes to use her power point just as fast. She gave us the syllabus (not too bad either..book report on a Lee Strobel book Case for a Creator and a formal lab report on one of our major labs) and then she proceeded to give us a quiz. I am not kidding you. I was horrified.

side note: lunch just started and i can smell french fries through my open window. i am not so patiently waiting for Sam to get back from her class to go to lunch with her.

anyway, so she gave us a quiz and then a 20 min lecture assuming we already remembered 72 different things about biology from 3 years ago in high school. wow. so i came out of that class ready to cry and go home. however..

Next came Lifetime Wellness. God has blessed me by giving me this class. First off my prof is really really hot. Oh yes. I said that. He's fresh out of college and a personal trainer for the school, so you can guess what he looks like. Basically LW is an course on how to keep/get your body healthy by eating right and exercising. There are labs each week that seem really fun, like endurance tests and stuff. AND one of the labs is using the climbing wall, so I get to prepare myself for going to England and scaling rocky cliffs with David William. Not really. Yet. So I'm excited about this class cause basically it fits my lifestyle.

Then came sociology. wow. hardcore. the prof is fascinating (seriously) but the concepts are really foreign to me. it's going to be a lot of work and stretching of my brain (probably painfully) but i'll be really excited when i finally get it. AND if you are an active participant in his class and get at least a B on the midterm you can elect to skip the final or take it on a no-fault basis. if you get a high score and it brings your grade up, great, but if you get low and it will bring it down it will be ignored. OH YEAH. active partipation here I come.

after class i proceeded to do homework (60 pages in biology!!!) and listen to Shenanawa serenade East. Shen is one of the guys dorms and East is my dorm. Around 10:30 about 250 guys lined up outside the dorm and started singing "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys, and "Aint No Mountain High Enough". amazing. sam and I were in hysterics. all the girls were screaming and yelling and stuff. tomorrow night our dorm is invited to their dorm for a bonfire and making s'mores and stuff. should be cool. so that was definitely the highlight of my day.

Bio was better today..she slowed down a lot when the entire class responded with a vigorous "yes!" after she asked if she was too fast. so that was nice and i felt a lot more prepared after reading so much. i didn't get all 60 pages done but that's ok cause i found out they're not really due until friday. yay for me. I read about 35 and passed out. so i have 2 days to read the rest.

anyway. so i was homesick yesterday but ashley called me and i got to talk to one person from home. and my mom called and she sent me two packages so that's exciting. I love her.


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