
i watched Food, Inc on Easter sunday (conveniently right after i finished devouring some delicious ham), and it really has gotten me started thinking more about what i'm eating. i guess that's the point? i haven't decided for sure if vegetarianism is the way to go yet - though i haven't eaten any meat since then. i have been given some reading recommendations that i plan to check out at the libary this weekend, and i have also been trying to find more information online. i'm also going to get austin to watch the movie with me this weekend and get his opinions on it. i have s-l-o-w-l-y been eating/buying more organic/ecofriendly items over the past few months, and that has definitely kicked into high gear lately. i love it! my one complaint, however, is the cost. why must it cost at least $1 more than non-organic foods?! in the long run, though, it will be worth it. if anyone has any suggestions of new delicious foods to cook, please share! i'm excited about this new phase of my life, and seeing where this takes me!