
if you think about it, there really is a lot of danger involved in playing Ultimate Spoons down a hallway. sam and i went to shen last night and played in the third floor hallway with chris, billy, and shawn, and looking back there were quite a few injuries waiting to happen. luckily we escaped mostly unharmed. mostly.

i had my first official college exam today in bib lit. thanks to Heather and Danielle, two girls on my floor in the same class, i did well. they really helped me a lot and i'm so thankful for them. Jesus definitely was a big factor too..i prayed a lot this morning!! ha.

i'm also really thankful that sam and i get along so well..it's amazing actually. she's one of my really good friends here and even lets me talk about disc a lot. she hung out with my team yesterday at dinner and afterwards and had fun so that was good.

i'm off to study for my bio and sociology quizzes today (what fun!) and eat breakfast.

10/4 out the door.

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