
Things I learned yesterday:

1.) Alex is a mind reader. Well, mostly he just reads my mind. But still.
2.) Dominic has small hands and...
3.) Tricia and Sarah are the thriftist and fastest shoppers known to man.
4.) The female species does not give Benjamin the creeps no matter what he says.
5.) Jonathan is my favorite.
6.) I am apparently "a bonnie lass". Ask Granddad.

So yesterday morning I get up, you know, the usual time on a Saturday. 10ish, maybe 10:30. By random selection and phone calls, I am told there is a baseball game in Hamden that involves Benjamin and Jonathan Ridley and The Coolest Cheering Section Ever hosted by Dominic DeMarco. I think to myself "hmm...I have nothing to do today" and proceed to carry that thought out at the Purificato's and crazy shopping with Tricia and Sarah until 5 when the game starts. So I decide to join TCCSE (see above)and realize that Dom doesn't actually do any of the cheering, just retrieves foul balls. I am ok with this, since I can hold my own at embarassing someone by exuberant yelling. I do restrain myself though, since it is the first game of the season and I do have to build my reputation slowly.


The game was good, they won 7-2 and I'm proud of them. We four went back to the Ridley's and ate dinner and visted and saw Granddad, and then Alex, Ben and I went to see The Terminal. It was ok, not something we should have used our free tickets on, but since Dodgeball was sold out we had no choice. I think it could have been better if both the men I was accompanied by didn't fall asleep for most of it.

I'm not kidding.

Ben missed maybe 45 minutes to an hour by drooling on my shoulder instead, and Alex kept falling asleep and waking up again thinking it was the same part of the movie cause it all took place in one airport terminal. Lovely company.

We went back to the house and talked for a while and then I left cause it was very very very late and I thought maybe my parents thought I was dead cause their house is a black hole for cell phones. But alas, I was not.

I missed my best friend.

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