
I got a new rad cell phone.

I hate how people who pretended to be your friend in all actuality are not. That seems to apply to a lot of people I know.

I love Ashley Pelletier.

I hate that I have to house-sit/work this weekend so I can't go on a cool road trip with her and Dave.

Ridleys came home!

I miss the Texas people.

Sometimes I wonder why I didn't go to school in Virginia.

Erin Henry makes my heart smile.

I miss Dayna DeMarco.

Down comforters are on sale at Linens N Things for $30. yeeeeeaah.

Spot wasn't lame for the first time since June on Tuesday. rock ON.

I ate a 16-Wheeler at Bickford's yesterday. I think the waitress was really scared when I ordered it. ha.

I saw Hanson (yes. Hanson.) in concert yesterday. May it be well know that it was Erik's idea, I did enjoy it. The opening acts were really good and Hanson is waaaay classic rock now. I think the teenyboppers didn't really know what to do with themselves because they've changed so much. Death to the teenybopper.


Anonymous said...

Hey, we miss yall Connecticut people tooo!!

Rachel said...

A 16-wheeler is 4 eggs, 4 pancakes, 4 pieces of sausage, and 4 pieces of bacon. I eat a lot sometimes.:)