
Happy Birthday Dayna!!!!

it's been an interesting week.

vbs started on monday. i am having so much fun it's incredible. we have a team of 20 from Texas that came up to help our church with it. the four teens, Franklyn, Lacey, Ruston, and Mason are all staying at our house. it's hilarous. they are all awesome people and i'm so glad they are staying with us. vbs itself has been going really really well. we have an average of 80 kids every day (30 being preschool age!!) and i'm the snack lady. whooohooo. so far i've made 300 rice krispie treats, chocolate covered pretzel sticks, and trail mix. yeaaah. it's a good time.

benjamin leaves on saturday for ever and ever. not really just till thanksgiving if he can get a ride home. but still. he is leaving with david but i'll see dave again before i leave thank goodness. i'm so happy that benjamin finally gets to go to Liberty cause i know he's gonna have such an awesome experience there. but i'll still miss him.

thanks to everyone who's been really supportive and given me an ear to listen to my problems or a hug to help. i'm glad to have people like you in my life. :)

*note*: in case you were wondering..i'm a hug person. if in fact you do not hug me at least twice when i see you i will get offended and possibly end up crying. hugs are awesome. i bet Jesus was a hug person.

i'm off to go to the mall and further contemplate getting my nose pierced.

1 comment:

spiffystuff said...

hey there. this is seth. here's a fake hug because it's currently physically impossible for me to give you a real hug. *hug* and i think it'd be very cool if you got your nose pierced. hardcore. rock on. haha. anyway, i don't think you know that i read this thing, but i do. i'm not the most vocal person, but i think you're great and awesome and all that jazz. so if i've never told you that then i'm sorry, i'm telling you that now. sooooo... the end.
peace out,