
i'm sorry i haven't updated. i thought it was about time to change things around and trees in the fall make me happy.

apparently someone named vivienne wants me to move to beautiful north wales. yeeesssss.

megan and i are listening to christmas music. it is our new favorite pastime. we listen to it every time we are in the room, especially the American Idol christmas cd. love it.

so this week i don't really have that much homework, and i'm ok with that. however, the next two weeks are going to be slightly more fun. i have a genetics, calc, and chem test in the next two weeks, along with a calc Derive test and project due. whoooooo. i <3 math!

i played powderpuff football on saturday with my lovely roommate. she made 3 interceptions and i scored a touchdown. it was lots of fun. and we got muddy.

tonight i have AWANA, which i must say is always the highlight of my week. i'm so glad it's on wednesdays..it makes the rest of the week easier to get through. there is a little boy in my group named Ethan and he always talks in a whisper and likes to smile but is incredibly shy. he's very small for his age and i like to give him lots and lots of hugs and encouragement. i am the red team leader, by the way.

today it is cold and raining and tomorrow it is supposed to snow 3 inches. what's up with that?

here is a list of things i miss about home, in no particular order:
-my mommy
-my daddy
-sarah (even though she's not there)
-trinity and hobbes
-jarod mate
-kyle mate
-mr and mrs mate
-the angerosas
-the barn
-the triplets
-my room
-my bed!
-old navy
-the chinese place by shaw's
-the sub base
-josh (even though he's not really there right now)
-my mommy's cooking
-sleeping in
-playing with sally in the backyard

time for dinner.
i love my sister.

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