only 9 more days till i'm back at Houghton!
sometimes it seems crazy that the summer is almost over, but 4 months is a long summer i suppose. a lot of stuff has happened in these 4 months.
this summer has been one of discovery, renewing, laughter, love, tears, joy, sorrow, loneliness. there have been nights and weekends of endless celebration and lots of people, and nights of relaxation and solitude. friends have come and gone, a few have visited and one has stayed. (i <3 Ashley)
i've said goodbyes to many more people than i expected. my three best friends in the entire world all left this summer. benjamin is in north carolina, jesse is in Iraq (my knight in desert camoflage i say), joshua is in florida (my favorite Navy sailor). My heart aches for each of them, for the trials and battles they are all facing in their own way. I rejoice in the joy they have in each of their circumstances. I laugh at the stories they have to share. but it only makes me miss them more each day.
i've come to realize this summer that my parents really are cooler than everyone else's. i have laughed, watched movies, shared problems and triumphs, and generally just loved on them more than i did when i was still living at home. they are truly God-honoring people and i'm blessed beyond belief to have them as parents.
i am excited to see what the coming school year is going to bring, the challeges i am going to face (CHEMISTRY), the new friends i will make, along with the memories.
here's to the nights we felt alive
here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
here's to goodbyes, tomorrow's gonna come too soon.
*8 days till i see Josh! unless boat duty calls then maaayyybbeee not till thanksgiving. but maybe till christmas :( oh in case you were wondering...he's rocking out the dive school. and he totally killed the bay swim. about a dozen times.
*4 months till Jesse comes home for leave!! and 293 days till he comes home for gooooood.
*10 months till my triathlon. eeeee need to get on the working out thing.
*9 days till Houghton
*8 days till David Ridley
*1 hour till Ash gets home from work
*30 seconds till i bite into a hot slice of bacon pineapple pizza. mmmmmm.
10/1 on the run.
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